About The Author (Roshellie Salgado)

Here is some listed and simplified information about me:
  • I am 15 years old
  • I am Mexican and Nicaraguan
  • MexicanFlag Nicaraguan
  • I play volleyball, basketball, and soccer
  • Volleyball Basketball Soccer
  • Math is my favorite subject
  • geo
  • I love to eat fruit

My Purpose

The purpose of my website was to bring light, if not more light, to extremely important figures that lived in our society. One of these important figures being Malcolm X. I believe that he was extremely significant and had a great impact on how our society came to be. His preachings on a "non-vilent" philosophy, similarly to MLK's, as well as his realistic point-of-view on the country's way of life, in a way helped to bind the nation later on, henceforth, providing for unification following his assassination. For more questions regarding my website, reach me at rasalgado3@cps.edu See Here For Other Personalized Opinions


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